How Does IV Chelation Therapy work?

Intravenous Chelation Therapy is considered an “alternative medicine” with the purpose of eliminating toxins and “heavy metals” from the body.

Chela – is derived from the Greek language. It means a “claw”.

Chelation therapy refers to the use of an agent that “binds” to a substance with a “claw-like” action. In this context, it is commonly used for heavy metal detoxification as IV EDTA or IV DMPS binds irreversibly to its respective heavy metal(s). Vitamin C, certain antioxidants (such as glutathione), trace elements, and substances such as IV DMPS or IV EDTA have been used as chelating agents.

What is involved in IV Chelation Therapy?

IV Chelation Therapy can have serious side effects if it is used incorrectly. Therefore it is important to understand what is involved to minimise the risk of the therapy. That is, the therapy will only be performed with proven heavy metal toxicity and this may require specific testing.

Initial assessment

First, a 1 hour assessment needs to be made with the appropriate health professional and may include relevant testing to assure your suitability and safety of the therapy.

  • Must call to book an appointment. Do not book online.
  • Cost $550 initial appointment with no Medicare rebate. Initial assessment and pathology tests prior to IV therapy required.

The Therapy

Once approved, your IV Chelation Therapy will be administered and will last approximately 3 hours. You will be carefully monitored over that period and it is important to note that this cannot be administered quickly. Additionally, you may benefit from repeated treatments as a one off treatment does not resolve the problem. This can be discussed with the doctor.

Follow up

A follow up appointment is required to discuss your results and a treatment plan.

Contact us to book

How do heavy metals build up?

It is surprising how someone can accumulate heavy metals. We are exposed to a variety of toxins in our day to day lives.  We can be exposed to mercury from eating tuna or kingfish daily, eating foods produced in foreign countries, or living in a highly populated suburb where lead has accumulated from the previous use of leaded fuels. It is possible that you may have been exposed to a toxic load of heavy metals to a certain degree.

The Effects of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Some of the symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity may include:

  • Gastrointestinal and kidney dysfunction
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Skin lesions
  • Vascular damage
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Birth defects
  • Can lead to cancer

Detecting Heavy Metal Toxicity

The gold standard for detecting heavy metal toxicity is to infuse IV DMPS (2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid) and normal saline through an IV Infusion or “IV drip”. A sample of urine collected after this is sent to a lab and the heavy metals are quantified. IV DMPS tends to push most heavy metals out of our system, as it has a high affinity for mercury (Hg) and other heavy metals.

Removing Heavy Metals

Intravenous Chelation Therapy involves administering a chemical solution known as EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) or DMPS directly into the body through an IV Infusion into the bloodstream so it can bind with excess metals or in the case of EDTA which indirectly removes calcium from arteries. Once IV EDTA or IV DMPS binds with these metals in the body, it is then eliminated through the liver and the gut.